Activity 9 - 30 days with less meat

This will be the shortest launch post yet, because the concept for all of this is so simple I could just put the talk title down and I think you would all work it out.

The talk

I first listened to Graham Hill: Why I'm a weekday vegetarian in late 2010 and it is an idea that has intrigued me ever since. The concept is exactly as the talk says, limiting the consumption of meat in your diet by only eating it on weekends.

The idea is that this will give you many of the environmental and health benefits of being a vegetarian, without requiring you to completely give up meat. So it is more achievable for those of us who enjoy meat.

I think that this really appeals to me because I am a fan of pragmatism in many ways, and this concept is a very simple, yet powerful way, that we could all make a big difference without the all or nothing approach.

The challenge

This is pretty self-explanatory, one of the nice, practical talks really. The challenge will be to limit my meat intake by becoming a weekday vegetarian. It's a good thing that I finally developed a taste for tofu during 30 days of an Asian diet. There are actually a few vegetarian recipes that we had during that activity that will make a resurgence in this one.

The activity

This section is probably a little redundant for this talk but I'll go through it anyway. For this activity I will become a vegetarian during the week. That means that I will not eat any meat, chicken or fish, from Monday to Friday. This will be a vegetarian and not vegan diet, so dairy and eggs are still in the diet.

And don't you love the evil chicken turning into a lettuce in the artwork :-)


Reflection - 30 days of slowing down


Reflection - 30 days of drive