My Three Words for 2017 - Happy New Year

To start with, Happy New Year! I hope that you farewelled 2016 and welcomed 2017 in the manner you wanted :-) now onto the business of this post.If you haven't read anything on my three words before, it comes from Chris Brogan and you can read his 2016 post for more details. I find it's a great way to set my intentions for the year, they help keep me focused. In previous years the words were:

  • 2016 – Be, Push, Pull
  • 2015 – Build, Strong, Focus
  • 2014 – Brave, Calm, Connect
  • 2013 – Creating, Connecting, Consolidating
  • 2012 – Do, Share, Inspire

I've made a last minute change to one of the words, it will be interesting to see how that works for me, but let's get into the words first.


I had initially thought of including the word 'focus' again, but last night I had a change of thought. Because one of the things I remembered in 2016 was how well I work with structure. This year I need to solidify the structure developed in 2016 to help me maintain focus on my goals. I need to avoid the distraction for the bright and shiny things while ensuring I continue the tasks I need to do to push into the role I want in the world.There is additional structure I need to put in place as well, there is some automation I need to improve upon to make my life easier. And as you'll see in the third word, I need to make more structured space for the things I truly want to achieve.


The reason this blog exists is to serve, and yet I often don't feel like I'm achieving that lofty goal. My purpose is to help people understand the world more easily, and while I have developed resources and books with that goal in mind, I know I can do more. Because, even though my resources are created with an underlying purpose of 'serving', I think the need to grow and expand my reach is a little too prevalent in my brain.So this year, I will be trying to think of more ways to serve you - I am open to suggestions if you have any! Importantly, serving needs to be the starting point for my actions, not simply one of things I consider.


It shouldn't be surprising that the key for 2017 is writing! I want to complete three books, plenty more blog posts and some short stories this year. Importantly, this is where the structure comes in. I need to improve my writing 'habit' this year, and get more out into the world. This will also include engaging more in writing communities, and improving my skills.I think that all of these words combine really well to give me a greater intention to continue to develop my business in 2017.

There is one last thing to resolve

There is a conundrum that I'd like to resolve in 2017, it's something I've been questioning for a couple of years now, and it was another word I considered. If you met me in real life you would understand that in many ways I am quite different to the Kylie in this blog - I swear a lot more for starters, as well as being significantly more sarcastic. I've kept that out of the blog for two reasons: while I may swear more when I talk, it's not overly common for me to write like that; and until they create a universally acknowledged sarcasm font, it's difficult to do that in written language.But, the blog is written in my speaking voice, so I always feel like something is lacking in my posts - a key part of my personality. I'd like to resolve that feeling in myself, if my written voice is clear of swearing and sarcasm is that okay? Do I still feel that it's a genuine expression of the knowledge and experience I wish to share? If it is, then I need to simply get over it - but I want to reach a conclusion about it.So, those are my three words for 2017. I already have a few projects planned in the first half of the year that keep all of these intentions in mind. What are your three words for the year? What are your intentions for a prosperous 2017?


Thriving, Serving and Exciting Opportunities for 2017


2016's Intentions Were Be, Push, Pull - How Did It Go?