30 Days of Time - 10 Years On

You know how I’ve mentioned my procrastination over completing these was probably due to subconsciously dreading revisiting Choice and Being Wrong? Well, I think this one was the bigger stumbling block. Not only going back to a massive realisation I had back then, but also thinking about where I sit now with this.

This activity was largely based on Philip Zimbardo’s talk on the psychology of time - and his book The Time Paradox. I added in Joachim de Posada’s talk for balance. You can read the launch post with links to both talks here. Here are the outline and reflection sketchnotes:

Sketchnote outlining 30 days of time and what I aimed to get from this activity during My Year of TED.
Reflection for 30 days of Time outlining what I got out of it 10 years ago and how this reflection has nudged me to revisit some of this.

How this has evolved

Okay, this was a massive realisation activity during the project and it has had a flow on effect for me. That realisation in the quote above “…I see my past self as being weak, early manipulated, unhappy and very alone in the world…” was so much more than that. It was that past self that formulated how I thought of myself as a successful, strong and loved adult. And while this realisation did start an obvious shift for me around this - well, let’s just say that some of those mental models that underpin that have needed a LOT more time and energy to uncover and address.

What I’ve realised in this reflection is that some of that work in the last couple of years has pushed me back quite heavily into a past negative focus, which I sort of knew but not as consciously as I should. So, this has been a great nudge for me to revisit some of this work and try to shift some of that focus back to a more balanced approach.


30 Days of Compassion - 10 Years On


30 Days of Vulnerability - 10 Years On