If I could do anything I would learn to fly - and I don't mean like a bird

I don't mean in a plane eitherThis answer will probably surprise pretty much everyone, but removing all of the limitations in my life (and given my age, increasing lack of fitness and the fact that I don't think anyone in Hobart teaches this, I think these limitations are real, not perceived) - at this point in my life my answer is I would fly.By this I mean I'd learn to be an aerialist, ideally with silks or straps if we're talking pipe dreams, but I'd be happy with the trapeze:

I don't know why this is what came to me. Maybe because it's something I've always thought would be amazing and impossible for me to achieve. Or maybe it's because I haven't been a very physical person for a number of years now, so if I'm thinking of limitations in my life this is an area for me.I can't imagine how incredible it would be to have the strength, grace and courage to do something like this, and it seems to me that it would be a very freeing experience to fly.Of course there are still the other thingsThere is still the massive list of things that I am going to do this year, like my business and my book, but sometimes we harbour those "completely unrealistic at this time" dreams as well. I think that they all tell us something ourselves as well, they are all ways that our non-verbal brain tries to help us understand ourselves better.The implications of this question - for you as wellSo now I've come up with this what does it mean for my life, because I've learned enough to know that if this is the first thought that comes to me I need to do something about it. But since I've mentioned all of the actual limitations to this, I think that what I need to do is something less drastic.Okay, it's not rocket science, I know it probably means that I need to move out of my head and get more in touch with my body, so I can feel fitter and stronger again - I was just hoping that wasn't the answer. *bugger* But that still won't help me fly :-)Did I surprise you? If you didn't share yesterday think of how insane this is and be brave today - leave a comment about your pipe dream, it doesn't have to be achievable at the moment.

This article is © Copyright – All rights reserved by Kylie Dunn.

The ups and downs of my TEDx Talk - Part 1


Remove all limitations - what is your one thing, right now?