2015's Three Words - Build, Strong and Focus

It's that time of year again, well actually it is a few days past that time of year, but who's counting :-)After much deliberation I've settled on three words that will drive my actions and activity for 2015. Last week I reviewed 2014's words (Brave, Calm, Connect), and I was pretty happy with how well these words helped me define 2014.So what are the magic words for 2015?I decided that this year was about building on the successes of last year, improving my resilience and health, and stopping myself from getting distracted by the fun stuff, so...

BUILD(ING)This isn't just about building dinkylune, although that is a major part of what I am building this year. I will be focused on constructing courses, pulling all of the parts of the business together into a more cohesive offering, and building something strong and viable.This word is also about building more confidence - confidence in my abilities to create and run a business; and confidence from other people in the value I have to offer.Finally it is about building a stronger and more involved audience and community. So lots of building.

STRONGOne of the areas I have neglected for too long is my physical health, and particularly keeping my body strong. I live inside my head too much, and I need to change that. So I decided that Strong would be a great focus for my body this year.It is also important for me to keep myself mentally strong, particularly in relation to my mental health, so that works as well. This also aligns with building confidence, working on my emotional strength and resilience to the difficult challenges I am taking on in my life.Lastly, it marks a continuation of my journey to live authentically and create a life that strengthens my spirit and capacity for joy in this life.

This is possibly the most important word of the three, because I certainly have not had enough of this in the last two years. I know that it's only natural to be overwhelmed with the possibilities and new ideas that come from starting a new business, but I need to stop and do the work if I want this to happen.
So, this year I will Focus more, and be distracted less. I will do the work of setting goals and planning more. I know that there are three areas of focus that I need to maintain, and I am not going to divert myself on bright and shiny ideas until the work is done on those tasks.
This will probably be the hardest, but without focusing on the doing the work, getting the products out there, asking for the sale - well this venture will never make it off the ground.

So there you have it, the three words that will define 2015 for me. It's funny that this year I found it significantly more difficult to choose only three words, last year was a lot easier. I think it's because there are so many things I've realised I need to do to make all of this work.How about you? Have you done the three words exercise? Do you know what your focus for 2015 will be? Would you like to share it with us?

This article is © Copyright – All rights reserved by Kylie Dunn.

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2014's words were Brave, Calm and Connect - how did I go?