Yes Starts Today - and a Circus Graphic for You

Day 1 of 30 days of Yes

I mentioned in the launch post that I was putting together a list of the things that I know I have been procrastinating over - and I mean procrastinating to the point that although I may have said yes to doing them, I'm really not. These are things I will try to tackle over the next 30 days, as well as other suggestions and opportunities that come up. Some of them might seem simple to some of you, others I'm sure you will understand why they are pushing my comfort zone limits.

  1. Submit emails to five podcasts - I made a commitment to do this as part of a webinar course earlier this year, and I still haven't sent them. Oh, I've done the research and even drafted the basic email, but I just can't seem to hit send.
  2. Write letters to my parents - all the way back in Activity 12 of My Year of TED I made the commitment to write letters to my parents, and I've put it off ever since. Maybe this activity will help get me over the line.
  3. Have a 'sales' conversation as part of a course I'm doing - I'm trying to start a business, and yet I suck at selling myself and having sales conversations. I'm doing a course to help me get on top of that, and I have to have at least one sales conversation before I can move onto the next bit. These are the times I wonder if I shouldn't go back and get a job!
  4. A couple of people have recommended two local bookshops for me to approach to stock my book - I need to stop nodding at people's suggestions, say yes and do it!
  5. Pitch my book to a Melbourne bookshop - when we were over there for the fateful flying trapeze last month, I spoke to a bookshop about Do Share Inspire. The woman gave me the manager's card and encouraged me to contact him - it has literally sat next to my computer for almost a month now!
  6. Turn the book into an audio book - a friend made this suggestion, and two book podcasts I listen to have strongly recommended going audio.

I think there is definitely a trend in that list; you should be able to easily see the things that scare me from it :-)

Aerial Circus Lessons

I did a post about 10 Life Lessons from Aerial Circus a couple of weeks ago - you know the one with the video of me getting smacked in the face :-/ When I was doing it I doodled a couple of trapeze positions, and loved the little stick figures, so I decided to a graphic of it. If you would like to download and print it - here is a PDF version too. [ddownload id="2410"]Aerial Circus Graphic v3Feel free to print and share this image (as long as you don't remove the attribution and web address). I'd love to know what you think about it.Remember you can challenge me on YES! and I'd love you to join in. If you are playing along, share your blog posts with me; use the #30dayYES on social media; or include it in the comments for any of the blog posts this month.


Update on Yes, and something I should have mentioned earlier


Activity 23 - 30 Days of YES