30 Days of Vulnerability - 10 Years On

After the last two activities, I was looking forward to revisiting Vulnerability. I remember that this activity was a bit of a saviour for me during My Year of TED because it shifted by inner focus towards self-compassion. After Choice and Being Wrong, I really needed to be a lot kinder to myself for a while.

Having said all of that, I forgot how powerful Eve Ensler’s talk is - seriously watch it! - so it took a little while for my thoughts to settle. The activity was informed by two talks from Brené Brown alongside Eve’s talk - links are in the launch post. Brené’s talks are also very powerful and I highly recommend them, but I don’t end up in tears watching them.

Sketchnote outlining the talks for 30 days of vulnerability and the main actions I decided on for the activity.
Sketchnote capturing the key points from my original reflection of 30 days of vulnerability and then how I view the elements of this activity today.

How has this evolved

Reflecting on how courageous, authentic and open I am in my life is always a little challenging. Added to this, going back and revisiting my truth and what I want most from the world was a bit emotionally draining as well. For the most part, I’m happy with how much of this has become lived knowledge for me now. For example, while I can always do better at self-compassion, I am truly a lot nicer to myself and more at peace with my inner critic than ever before.

I think that there is a definite part of my life where I am giving the world what I want most - or what I needed as a child. But this has also made me reflect on the gaps in this as well, and the ideas I’ve had over time that have fallen aside. I’ve been exploring my understanding of my truth again, especially in light of some events in my life over the last year, and there is more work to do with the new knowledge I have acquired.

Overall though, this one was a win back in 2012 and continues to be a win today :-)


30 Days of Time - 10 Years On


30 Days of Being Wrong - 10 Years On