30 Days of an Asian Diet – 10 Years On

This was a lovely reminder about how many amazing meals we had during the month of an Asian diet. This is based on a very brief TED Talk from Dean Ornish - and following up on his website. I remembered this activity fondly because of the food, but I forgot how poorly I did on the other parts.

This was based on Dean Ornish's TED Talk about the proliferation of the US diet and how unhealthy it is - you can read the activity outline here.

How has this evolved

As noted above, our diet did revert back quite a bit. We still eat quite a bit of Asian food (Thai and Indian mainly). We have some staples that we regularly cook, but tofu has largely left our diet. It's definitely something we need to change a bit, as is the inclusion of more daily exercise. I don't get a lot of incidental exercise working at home, so I need to be more intentional about it. Hopefully I get sort out making that happen.


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30 Days of Living the Three A's - 10 Years On