Updates on Asking, since it's over 30 days

So I still haven't received the proof copy of the paperback, I'm slowly losing my mind about this. I've got another copy coming via a (hopefully) more reliable delivery service than Australia Post, so hopefully when I get home on Wednesday night I will finally be able to proof the damn thing.

What does this have to do with Asking?

Well, I've been putting a couple of things off because I've been waiting to see if I will get copies of the book by the beginning of December now or not. If the proof is good then I'm putting in the order and releasing it to the world, even though I know there is a typo (there is one spot with 'in' instead of 'an'). I thought long and hard about whether I can let it go out with one minor (known) typo, but it's that or wait until after Christmas at this stage - so maybe I'll have a competition for someone to find the typo, or maybe that will make people hyper aware and not enjoy the book. Okay, ignore that, there is no problem with the book :-)

What does that mean for the activity?

I'm going to extend this one out to 45 days of Asking, even though I haven't had great experiences with extending activities in the past - although this cannot be as damaging as Choice and Being Wrong combined; can it? It means that I will have increased pressure on myself to send out the bookshop emails, once I understand dates, and follow up some of the TED speakers.

How's it going otherwise?

I finally put a press release out, yep getting it on my website about two weeks ago does not count as 'out' in my world. I've sent emails to most of the Tasmanian media outlets as well, so we'll see where that goes. I know it isn't a direct ask, but sending media a press release is saying "write/talk about me".I've asked people to participate in the StoryCartel reviews, don't think anyone joined in on that, but I've also done that very back-to-front so that's not surprising. Then there is the Thunderclap campaign, which if you haven't joined already please consider doing so - it will take a minute at most. It goes out tomorrow afternoon, so it is the last day you can lend your support. I did extend the date because of everything that happened on the weekend, didn't feel right hijacking people's social media about my book with all the terrorism activity.

There have been a few other asks in relation to the book: reviews, supporting a non-launch, and other bits and pieces. The people in my life have made this all quite simple, they've been lovely and supportive of the whole thing and it's made me appreciate my wonderful friends.

This means that the reflection will have to wait until early December, when I finish the activity. For now, thank you for your support, and please consider signing up to the mailing list or sharing the book/blog with your friends and followers - I appreciate every piece of support.


Physical copies, publicity and plugging away


The Emotional Rollercoaster of Self-Publishing - so far!