I Love Aerial Circus - here is why!

I've just shared a post on The Huffington Post - Ten Life Lessons from Aerial Circus! I've gotten so much out of my aerial circus experiences so far, so I thought I would share some of the ways it's affected my everyday existence.For those of you who have been here a while, you might remember that journey started in January 2014, when I did a post about wanting to fly - and asked you all your 'pipe' dreams. Well, the post above includes video from the flying trapeze class I did on Saturday.Sometimes things don't quite turn out as we might hope - and you have to realise by now that I don't shy away from sharing those failures. I would prefer that video to show me skillfully being caught from the flying trapeze, but where's the fun in that ;-)Trust me, you want to watch to the end - the first miss is actually quite alright, and I nail the backflip dismount. The second try was... well, you'll see.So, what is your pipe dream? What is something you don't think is achievable for you right now, but you would love to achieve? Why isn't it achievable - hell, if I can do this I want you to seriously think about what you believe your limitations are!


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