Procrastination, Action, Bravery and Doubt - TED2016


I thought I would share a few of the recent TED Talks from TED2016 - there are some wonderful talks coming out.Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator by Tim UrbanThis is a lovely, lighthearted talk - we might all have an instant gratification monkey but with an appropriate use of deadlines, we can make our panic monster work in our favour. If you are someone who procrastinates quite a bit, or you don't get the procrastination mindset, Tim's talk is a fun approach to trying to explain the problem and solution.The Reporting System that Sexual Assault Survivors Want by Jessica LaddThe internet is an amazing resource with so much possibility to improve our society - and this system is a fantastic example of that potential. In a time when we're talking so much more about sexual assault, and how many women are affected by this in their lives, it's a well thought out reporting system. The statistics in this should shock and appal you all; but the concept of dealing with it is powerful.

Teach girls bravery, not perfection by Reshma Saujani

This is an inspiring talk about bringing more women into technology companies and coding roles - but it is so much more than that as well. Reshma discusses some of the quite shocking truths about how we raise boys to be brave, but we raise girls to be perfect - you know it's true! It's a powerful talk for everyone, but probably more so for girls and women who aspire to be involved in the tech world -- be brave!

The Gospel of Doubt by Casey Gerald

I don't think I can do justice to this talk with a brief outline - you should take the 18 minutes to listen to Casey talk about the shifts in his beliefs over time, and why he thinks it is essential that we all stop believing that we know the answers.

The gospel of doubt does not ask that you stop believing, it asks that you believe a new thing: that it is possible not to believe. It is possible the answers we have are wrong, it is possible the questions themselves are wrong.

Yes and self-publishing

Just quickly, 30 days of Yes is over halfway done - you have less than two weeks left if you want to challenge me with something! It's going well, although I'm struggling with some internal realisations that I'm trying to make sense of. One of the latest things I've agreed to do is blog about self-publishing my next book, which is a book on self-publishing! This will be happening on my dinkylune blog - since that website is focused on those tangible skills. I will include links in the newsletter for this site as well, in case you're interested in some of the myriad of decisions and steps that self-publishing requires.


I'm not a Natural Networker - shocking isn't it!


Update on Yes, and something I should have mentioned earlier