Clear is Kind - and Other Gems from Brené Brown

I know it's been a while and I don't feel like explaining it. Let's talk about Brené Brown instead.I recently went to Melbourne to see Brené talk about daring leadership. As expected, she was wonderful and had some great insights to share. I bought her book, Dare to Lead, earlier this year and haven't read it yet, so having her explain some of the key concepts was great.

While a lot of the stories were familiar to me, hearing her apply some of the key principles of her work to leadership was an interesting shift. There were many reminders about the role of shame and problems with armouring up, which it never hurts to hear over again.

I captured my favourite parts in a drawing of her talk (below). For subscribers, you can access this as a hi-res PDF on the downloads page - I'll send an email with the link as a reminder for you. If you aren't subscribed already, you can do that below as well.

For me, it's that final part about remembering that we tell our brain stories by filling in the gaps using assumptions and beliefs. What we might think is the real story probably isn't - we need to check in with the other person/people involved.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the snippets of Brené brilliance. Which part of it leaps out for you? Oh, and if you don't already know, I now do this visual notetaking as part of my business - large scale wall drawing and smaller digital pieces.


Reflecting on 2019's Three Words


Trapeze, Performing and Being Very Brave